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Eta Chapter Alpha Eta Class


Joyce Jo *Landmark*

Big sis: Maggie Cheung *BazOokA*
Lil Sis: Hima Singanamala *Beacon*, Catherine Byun *High Noon*

Birthday: March 21, 1997
Nationality: Korean
Major: Linguistics
Hobbies: Knitting, swimming, cooking/baking, watching horror movies, and writing
Favorite color: Black
Why do I love KPL: I love Kappa Phi Lambda because of the values it represents and all the wonderful people who contributed to the organization to make it what it is today. Kappa Phi Lambda not only gave me a place to belong but also gave me the opportunity to become a better person.
Why did I choose KPL: I chose Kappa Phi Lambda, largely in due part to my older sister, who is also a sister and encouraged me to rush. After coming out to rush, I saw how kind, passionate, and genuine the sisters were. I found myself wanting to be like them, and so I ended up where I am now.


Kasey Zhao *Sequel*

Big sis: Jane Liang *Strategy*
Little sis: Kayla Kwok *Historia*

Birthday: November 23, 1999
Nationality: Chinese
Major: Nursing
Hobbies: hiking, watching horror movies, baking, shopping, art
Favorite color: pink
Why do I love KPL: I love Kappa Phi Lambda because all the sisters are genuine and they have the kind of personalities and work ethics that people aspire to have.
Why did I choose KPL:  I chose Kappa Phi Lambda because there are a lot of opportunities for growth and the sisters love to be involved in each other’s lives as well as the community.


Elizabeth Lee *Edesia*

Big sis: Christine Lee *Levana*
Lil Sis: Cheryl Liu *Nāmaka*

Birthday: August 5th, 1998
Nationality: Korean
Major: Human Resource Management
Hobbies: I don’t really have any LOL but I guess Baking
Favorite Color: Baby blue and baby pink
Why do I love KPL: SISTERHOOD <3
Why did I choose KPL: I wanted to be a part of the genuine sisterhood, I wanted to strengthen the pillars, and do things for the org.


Krystal Lau *Carousel*

Big Sis: Maggie Cheung *BazOokA*
Lil Sis: My Huynh *Moulinet*

Birthday: September 26th, 1998
Nationality: Chinese/Taiwanese
Major: Design
Hobbies: Painting, Shopping, Traveling, Photography
Favorite color: Black and Pastel Pink
Why do I love KPL: I love KPL because I was able to meet so many amazing and inspirational women at Rutgers and other chapters. KPL has given me a lot of confidence to give new opportunities a chance that I wouldn’t have otherwise had done and helped me be more actively involved in my community.
Why did I choose KPL: I chose KPL because being with a group of amazing girls that share a passion to uphold sisterhood, service, and cultural diversity is something that is really inspirational.

ΚΦΛ at Rutgers University, New Brunswick, est. 1999

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