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Renascent Alpha Rho Class


Bea Espinosa *Vionnet*

Big Sis: Sai Anbumani *Buccellati*

Birthday: July 9, 2004
Ethnicity: Filipina

Major: Exercise Science

Hobbies: Shopping, cafe dates, working out, listening to music, hanging out with friends

Favorite Color: Pink

Why KPL? I’ve been able to find a community of women who want to see the best in me. They’re all so supportive and encouraging of whatever I do and hold me accountable for my responsibilities. They’re all so fun to be around, and I've created such fun memories with the sisters that I may not have been able to experience otherwise. My line sisters, big, and all other sisters have created a wholesome culture of sisterhood that I am proud to be apart of.


Hailey Kim *SelvaRey*

Big Sis: Emily Sun *Miraval*

Birthday: April 11, 2003
Ethnicity: Korean

Major: Pharmacy

Hobbies: Cooking, Napping Reading, Spending time with my friends and family

Favorite Color: Light Blue

Why KPL? I feel so fulfilled when I'm around sisters, and I feel grateful and lucky for everyone I've met.


Sophia Hou *Lysiane*

Big Sis: Haruna Akiyama *Asylia*

Birthday: July 2, 2004
Ethnicity: Chinese, Taiwanese

Major: Computer Science & Minor: Critical Intelligence Studies and Mathematics

Hobbies: Watching movies/shows, doing nails, gaming

Favorite Color: Red, pink, purple

Why KPL? I felt super welcomed by the sisters and I loved the vibe. It was honestly so nice bonding with them and I wanted to be part of their community!


Winnie Wang *Epilogue*

Big Sis: Ruby Liu *Caesura*

Birthday: March 17, 2004
Ethnicity: Chinese

Major: Marketing & ITI

Hobbies: Thrifting, tennis, reading

Favorite Color: Cherry red, sage green

Why KPL? For the endless laughters and everlasting relationships.


Nicole Mei *Évreux*

Big Sis: Frances Cortuna *Angélus*

Birthday: June 29, 2004
Ethnicity: Chinese

Major: Business

Hobbies: Volleyball, hiking, playing games, cooking

Favorite Color: Blue

Why KPL? KPL has such a genuine and loving energy that I knew I wanted to surround myself with. I can be my true self with everyone and I can't wait to continue to grow alongside this community.


Cielo Tumbokon *Hamada*

Big Sis: Gwendolyn Matsukawa *Kharites*

Birthday: October 14, 2003
Ethnicity: Filipina

Major: Ecology, Evolution, and Natural Resources

Hobbies: Reading, hiking, thrifting

Favorite Color: Yellow

Why KPL? Everyone was so approachable. I knew I could come to anyone for anything, and they would be there. Everyone had such a unique personality and I wanted to get to know them on a deeper level.

ΚΦΛ at Rutgers University, New Brunswick, est. 1999

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