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Eta Chapter Mu Class


Elizabeth Lee *Vivacious*

Big Sis: Bonnie Hui *Eminence*
Lil Sister(s): Vicki Chan *Lovella*

Birthday: October 7th
Nationality: Korean
Major/Occupation: Philosophy and English
Hobbies: I pretty much enjoy doing everything, even things people don’t like and even the weird things…like walking to the store, standing in the bus… hehe
Favorite Color: shrug. you can be my favorite color ^.~
Why do I love KPL?:: Because it has such positive effects on your life, in ways that many things try to but can’t do. It’s rare to find something that always helps you grow and become stronger. Also, the sisters SPILL and radiate a special way. hehe <3
Why did I choose KPL?: Couldn’t find a reason why not to.

ΚΦΛ at Rutgers University, New Brunswick, est. 1999

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