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Eta Chapter Nu Class


Rochelle Atengco *Smoke*

Big Sis: Tabitha Lay *Matisse*
Lil Sister(s): Stacey Adiwinarso *AfterGlo*

Birthday: September 22nd
Nationality: Filipina
Major/Occupation: English
Why did I choose KPL? I joined Kappa Phi Lambda because of the genuine sisterhood. From the very start, I could tell that this wasn’t your average stereotypical sorority. Everyone seemed so chill with each other, like one family (no lie). It definitely intrigued me since that kind of bond is very hard to find. I also knew that I wanted to make a difference somehow, and KPL presented me with that unique opportunity. What’s better than doing positive things with other equally dedicated, caring individuals?
One valuable lesson I learned through KPL: One valuable lesson would be that you can’t let others decide your own fate. Sometimes you just gotta grit your teeth and grab what you want.


Alice Chiu *Profelis*

Big Sis: Claire Chung *Tigris*
Lil Sister(s):

Birthday: June 16th
Nationality: Chinese
Major/Occupation: English
Favorite Color: Blue
Why did I choose KPL?: I liked what they stood for: sisterhood, service and the diversity among the sisters. When I went to the first meeting with my sister-in-law, everyone was so nice and besides the fact that there was so much bond between the sisters, it had a friendly environment. I got sucked in immediately.
One valuable lesson I learned through KPL: I learned about not being afraid to be who you are, opening up more and also to have more confidence in what you do.

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