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Eta Chapter Omega Class


Chloe Chan *Skyfall*

Big Sis: Julie Butt *Starstruck*
Lil Sister(s):

Birthday: February 19, 1994
Nationality: Chinese/Indonesian
Major/Occupation: Nutrition
Hobbies: singing, dancing, blogging, playing tetris/video games, swimming
Favorite Color: Lime Green
Position(s): Co- Asian Student Council Liaison
Why do I love KPL?: because of the support and love that all the sisters have for each other
Why did I choose KPL?: how genuine and welcoming the sisters are


Courtney Lam *Outshine*

Big Sis: Tiffany Leung *Enliven*
Lil Sister(s):

Birthday: July 22
Nationality: Chinese
Major/Occupation: Computer Science
Hobbies: Volleyball, skiing/snowboarding, nail design, baking, and most importantly sleeping
Favorite Color: Purple
Position(s): Co-Philanthropy, Co-Performance & Webmistress
Why do I love KPL?: I got to meet so many new people that I wouldn’t have been able to meet if I wasn’t in it!
Why did I choose KPL?: The Sisters were so nice and I felt comfortable to be myself.


Annie Nguyen *Versailles*

Big Sis: Elaine Nguyen *Esquire*
Lil Sister(s):

Birthday: May 14, 1993
Nationality: Vietnamese
Major/Occupation: Undecided
Hobbies: helping others and shopping of course
Favorite Color: Tiffany Blue
Why do I love KPL?: sisterhood and services


Debbie Trieu *Contessa*

Big Sis: Megan Salviejo *Spectra*

Lil Sister(s):

Birthday: June 23, 1994
Nationality: Vietnamese and Chinese
Major/Occupation: Business
Hobbies: shopping, going to the beach, eating
Favorite Color: pink!!
Why do I love KPL?:I love KPL because the sisters are genuine and we can help benefit the community while having fun at the same time!
Why did I choose KPL?: I chose KPL because of the three pillars that they stood for: sisterhood, service, and cultural diversity. It was exactly what I looked for in a sorority and the sisters were extremely warm and welcoming as well!


Hannah Tsao *Cerylia*

Big Sis: Amy Yang *Amora*
Lil Sister(s):

Birthday: September 27, 1994
Nationality: Taiwanese
Major/Occupation: Biology
Hobbies: Drawing, outdoor activities, cooking, eating
Favorite Color: all pastel colors
Position(s): Co-Fundraising & Sister Events Coordinator
Why do I love KPL?: Each of the Sisters are unique in their own way and all accept and support each other!
Why did I choose KPL?: I knew KPL would help me be a stronger person and also create lasting bonds with other people I would not have been able to meet before. You get to be more involved and contribute more than you think

ΚΦΛ at Rutgers University, New Brunswick, est. 1999

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