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Eta Chapter Pi Class


Vicki King *Lovella*

Big Sis: Elizabeth Lee *Vivacious*
Lil Sister(s):Tran Nguyen *Starblaze*, Christina Ho *FTW*

Birthday: March 10th
Nationality: Chinese
Major/Occupation: Fine Arts
Hobbies: Sleeping, eating, living, laughing, loving
Favorite Color: Pink =p!
Why do I love KPL?: I love KPL because it brought me together with some amazing people that are now part of my life that I never would have gotten to meet if I had never pledged. These people are some that have been there for me through so much; they are part of my present, and they will always be a part of my future. I believe that everything you do and everyone you meet is for a reason, and KPL was definitely a part of my destiny.
Why did I choose KPL?: I chose KPL because I knew it would give me so many opportunities to be active on campus and be involved with community service. The incredible sisterhood that I found and the bonds that have formed within the sorority is just a huge perk. There’s nothing else like it. It's not a sorority…it’s a lifestyle.


Maggie Chu *Marquise*

Big Sis: April Qu *Illumé*
Lil Sister(s): Stephanie Cabalatungan *Luxurious*

Birthday: November 28th
Nationality: Chinese
Major/Occupation: Psychology
Hobbies: Anything and everything
Favorite Color: Don’t have one
Why do I love KPL?: I love KPL because it opened my eyes to many opportunities. It is a constant learning experience. Additionally, my line sisters and my lineage rocks my world =]
Why did I choose KPL?: I had originally chosen KPL because I knew a few sisters beforehand and each one of them showed such a tight-knit relationship with one another. I knew from that point that I wanted to be a part of something that strong. And I know that it’ll still be that strong years down the road.


Sonia Gi *Opulence*

Big Sis: Chao Xiu Zhang *Utopia*
Lil Sister(s):

Birthday: February 13th
Nationality: Korean
Major/Occupation: Animal Science/Pre-Veterinary
Hobbies: Reading, tennis, traveling, arts & crafts
Favorite Color: Blue <3
Why do I love KPL?: I love KPL because it opened me up as a person and the sisters are all very supportive.
Why did I choose KPL?: I chose KPL because of the tight-knit bond of the sisters and the down-to-earth personalities. Also, the 3 pillars attracted me into joining.


Stephanie Higa *Ltd. Ed.*

Big Sis: Patti Seto *Flavour*
Lil Sister(s): Sharon Hsu *Immortality*

Birthday: July 20th
Nationality: Japanese
Major/Occupation: Accounting
Hobbies: Drawing, Baking
Favorite Color: Beige, Navy Blue
Why do I love KPL?: The genuineness of the sisters and how strongly they portrayed KPL’s three pillars.
Why did I choose KPL?: Cause it’s freakin awesome!


Hui Jia Natalie Khoo *Mystique*

Big Sis: Hadissah Magoncia *Domino*
Lil Sister(s): Caity Law *Electrique*, Meghan Salviejo *Spectra*

Birthday: December 20th
Nationality: Chinese
Major/Occupation: Nutritional Science
Hobbies: Baking, Dancing (ballet, modern), reading nutrition labels
Favorite Color: Pink, Baby blue, Gold
Why do I love KPL?: I love KPL for past memories, present joy, and future opportunities. I love KPL for all the people I got to meet and all the lessons about life have learned.
Why did I choose KPL?: It’s the best sisterhood around baby!


Jeannie Lee *Crunk*

Big Sis: Aileen Antonio *Frenzy*
Lil Sister(s): Besty Chang *Fiyah!*, Silan Zheng *DimePiece*

Birthday: February 7th
Nationality: Korean
Major/Occupation: Psychology
Hobbies: Spending time with family and friends, cracking jokes, watching the Mets play, and playing sports
Favorite Color: Red SON!
Why do I love KPL?: I love KPL because it brought me and the people who I now love and adore together. It sounds corny but it’s the truth! hahaha
Why did I choose KPL?: Because I love the sisters and the beliefs that the sorority consists of.


Kaori Nagamine *Velour*

Big Sis: Marie Bernardo *Alsace*
Lil Sister(s): Heather Hui *Fortress*

Birthday: November 25th
Nationality: Japanese/Peruvian
Major/Occupation: Nursing
Hobbies: Dancing, Reading, Playing Basketball and Tennis
Favorite Color: Red
Why do I love KPL?: For the sisterhood.
Why did I choose KPL?: For the Sisterhood and Community Service

ΚΦΛ at Rutgers University, New Brunswick, est. 1999

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