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Eta Chapter Rho Class


Cindy Yan *Camellia*

Big Sis: Mary Zhang *Cherie*
Lil Sister(s): Lex Chu *Amaryllis*, Diana Ngo *Lady X*

Birthday: January 16th
Nationality: Cantonese!!!
Major/Occupation: Economics & Chinese
Hobbies: SHOPPING!!! ….dance…I love music, watch Chinese Dramas…oh yea, friends
Favorite Color: PINK!!! But I also like Red, Black, Silver, and all the pretty pastel colors! I love sparkles…
Why do I love KPL?: I love Kappa Phi Lambda because it is like a puzzle. Every sister is like a unique piece of puzzle, but put together, we make a beautiful picture.


Cecilia Pak *Adria*

Big Sis: Jennifer Chao *Wish*
Lil Sister(s): Maggie Lin *overdrive*

Birthday: July 9th
Nationality: Korean
Major/Occupation: Genetics
Hobbies: Reading, instruments, drama, movies
Favorite Color: Royal Blue
Why do I love KPL?: It made me realize that I am capable of pushing myself past my limit and I found sisters that I know when no matter what will always be there for me.

ΚΦΛ at Rutgers University, New Brunswick, est. 1999

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